To understand the process of driveshaft repair, it is worth to describe the sites and operations that are performed on them, which is what we will do in this article.
Personnel: Qualified specialist with in-depth knowledge of the structure and operation of a cardan shaft and good communication skills.
Equipment: Inspection workbench and storage racks for cardan shafts, as well as good lighting.
Description: Cardan shafts are received and handed over to the customer at the receiving area. In the process of acceptance, the defecting of all elements of the cardan shaft is carried out. As a rule the examination is visual, but at the customer’s request (if it is safe to do so) we can also diagnose the cardan on the balancing machine using the function of the harmonic analysis of the signals from the vibration sensors. After the defectology a list of parts to be replaced is formed and the price and the term of the order is determined.
Locksmith area
Personnel: an experienced locksmith with skills to work with balancing and welding machines.
Equipment: work bench, set of locksmith’s and measuring tools, press with equipment PRK-2 (P1515К or stand P2515К), machine for balancing driveshafts with equipment type BVI-03-74 (or BVI-03-88D), rotator VR-1, welding machine and gas torch.
Note: the number of staff, composition and volume of equipment depends on the volume of cardan repair, but as a rule, it is 2 – 3 people. For detailed advice on the selection of repair equipment, please contact our experts.
Description: Locksmith shop is the most technically equipped since it performs a lot of operations. The following operations are carried out at the site:
- Cleaning, degreasing and inspection of parts. This operation allows you to identify previously unrecorded defects such as cracks or wear and tear dusters;
- Disassembly/assembly of the driveshaft and replacement of defective parts with new ones. At this stage, you can not do without the use of the press and rotator;
- Balancing of the assembled cardan shaft. On a balancing machine the magnitude and angular position of the unbalance in all correction planes are determined and then the unbalanced mass is corrected by welding plates. The service life of the cardan depends on the quality of this operation.
- Quality control of assembly and balancing by means of a balancing machine. A balancing machine is used to create operating conditions for the driveshaft, in which the quality of each assembly is checked with a software program for dynamic operation and the overall level of vibration.
- Painting the driveshaft. In addition to improving the aesthetic appearance of the cardan shaft, the application of protective paint coating allows you to protect the surfaces of the product from corrosion.
Driveshaft 4-support Balancing Machines
The machine is designed for dynamic balancing of two-, three- and four-bearing cardan shafts.
Suitable for services with small load, 50-70 cardans per month.
Driveshaft 4-support Balancing Machines
The machine is designed for dynamic balancing of two-, three- and four-bearing cardan shafts.
Suitable for services with small load, 50-70 cardans per month.
Driveshaft U-joint Press
The machine is intended for balancing of rotors of turbochargers (a shaft in 2 planes, and then wheels in 2 planes) internal combustion engines for passenger vehicles, trucks, agricultural and other machinery.
Driveshaft U-joint Press
The machine is intended for balancing of rotors of turbochargers (a shaft in 2 planes, and then wheels in 2 planes) internal combustion engines for passenger vehicles, trucks, agricultural and other machinery.
The machine is intended for balancing of rotors of turbochargers (a shaft in 2 planes, and then wheels in 2 planes) internal combustion engines for passenger vehicles, trucks, agricultural and other machinery.
Welding Workbench
The machine is intended for balancing of rotors of turbochargers (a shaft in 2 planes, and then wheels in 2 planes) internal combustion engines for passenger vehicles, trucks, agricultural and other machinery.
Machining area
Personnel: 5th category turner.
Equipment: lathe, boring machine, band saw (or disk saw), measuring and metalwork tools, storage cabinet for tools and equipment.
Description: the mechanical section usually performs operations such as:
- Preparing parts for assembly. The seating surfaces of the parts are adapted to the size of the cardan shaft tube and grooves, chamfers and collars are made for welding operations.
- The overall size of the cardan is changed. The tube is shortened or lengthened using the locksmith’s sketches.
- Restore worn surfaces of parts. It is not always possible to find the necessary components for the repair of cardan shafts, in rare cases you have to restore old parts or use donors.
- Corrective plates are made. Plates are consumables for this reason they are always needed.
- The necessary tooling for the locksmith’s shop is made. There are many different types of propshafts and in order to repair absolutely all propshafts it is necessary to make different devices for the presses and regularly renew the adapter rings for the balancing equipment.
Note: Any tooling can be ordered from us if necessary, we will be happy to help with this issue.